Leanne Young, MA, LCPC is a licensed clinical professional counselor in private practice in Missoula, Montana. She has over 30 years of education and experience in her field. Prior to the establishment of her private practice, she worked for various agencies and the University of Montana. Leanne serves Missoula, MT offering both in-person or telehealth. Telehealth is available to anyone in the state of Montana.
She has extensive experience providing psychotherapy with adults, couples, families and adolescents in various capacities. Leanne aims to flexibly structure the course of treatment to accommodate her client's therapeutic needs. She assists people to transform from feeling blocked in some area of their lives to achieving their own definition of success from weekly sessions.
The decision to attend therapy is a significant one. People seek therapy to deal with issues, conflicts, and problems associated with a range of topics. What underlies a successful therapeutic relationship is the creation of a safe place for one to explore conflicts, issues, and feelings. From that premise, meaningful and significant growth occurs. The kind of growth one is seeking is best decided upon by careful collaboration between the therapist and the client.
Working as a general practitioner, she has additional specialized expertise in:
Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and overeating)
Couples Counseling
Divorce adjustment
In addition to her work as a therapist, she also is certified in Divorce and Family Mediation with a specialization in development of parenting plans, emphasizing the best possible adjustment of the children.
Services available via secure, HIPAA compliant, video platform everywhere in the state of Montana. In-person or telehealth available in Missoula, Montana.
She has extensive experience providing psychotherapy with adults, couples, families and adolescents in various capacities. Leanne aims to flexibly structure the course of treatment to accommodate her client's therapeutic needs. She assists people to transform from feeling blocked in some area of their lives to achieving their own definition of success from weekly sessions.
The decision to attend therapy is a significant one. People seek therapy to deal with issues, conflicts, and problems associated with a range of topics. What underlies a successful therapeutic relationship is the creation of a safe place for one to explore conflicts, issues, and feelings. From that premise, meaningful and significant growth occurs. The kind of growth one is seeking is best decided upon by careful collaboration between the therapist and the client.
Working as a general practitioner, she has additional specialized expertise in:
Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and overeating)
Couples Counseling
Divorce adjustment
In addition to her work as a therapist, she also is certified in Divorce and Family Mediation with a specialization in development of parenting plans, emphasizing the best possible adjustment of the children.
Services available via secure, HIPAA compliant, video platform everywhere in the state of Montana. In-person or telehealth available in Missoula, Montana.
This covers areas such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, distressing life events, loss, support of loved one with eating, substance, or mood disorder, stress management, self esteem, desire for growth/self exploration.
Eating Disorders
Those with eating disorders respond well to counseling. Leanne has vast experience treating those suffering from anorexia, bulimia, exercise addiction, overeating, emotional eating, and unhealthy body image.
Couples Therapy
Your relationships as a big part of your life. Taking time to talk through things together with a therapist can help you get clear and move forward. You owe it to yourself and your partner.
Family Relations
These days, families come in many forms. A change to the family structure can be stressful and hard to adjust to. Leanne helps her clients with Divorce Adjustment, Step Family Adjustment, Adoption Adjustment and more.
Parenting sessions can cover a wide range of topics, and varied family arrangements, including those involving minor or adult children in intact, divorced, single and or step families.
Including but not limited to Family, Labor, Parenting Plans.
Divorce Coaching
Leanne also offer divorce and break up coaching. Whether you've been divorced for four minutes or four years, she's here to provide the guidance, tools and support you need to move forward with confidence and hope!
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Candidate Supervision (PCLC)
Are you a PCLC?
Leanne provides supervision to PCLC's obtaining their required clinical hours.
Leanne provides supervision to PCLC's obtaining their required clinical hours.
Leanne has over 30 years of experience and has helped 3,000+ clients.
Leanne can be trusted to help you reach the goals you and she define. She's extremely accepting of all people and is non-judgemental.